We're a group of vegans who want to make being a vegan in Omaha the easiest and funnest experience it can be.

- Here Comes Modern Love!
100 years in the making, Modern Love, Omaha’s first full-service Vegan restaurant opens this Tuesday! Last week, Isa Chandra Moskowitz…
MORE - Spring/Summer Vegan Omaha Wrap-Up
Howdy! It’s been a while. Yes, we’ve had Vegan Drinks every month, as well as a Night Flight, Kitchen TableĀ andĀ …
MORE - The V – Bowling Alley, Arcade and Vegan Friendly Restaurant!
I’d like to think I’m pretty on top of the Vegan scene in Omaha. Between the Meetups and meeting new…
MORE - Bliss Bakery/Aromas Coffeehouse Vegan Social
Vegan treats were abound at the Bliss Bakery/ Aromas Coffeehouse Vegan Social! Thankfully it was a cool October day, perfect…